Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Clairification of doubts -3

Dear friends one of my friends had asked me the above question few days back but since the question is unversal in nature so  sharing the question with its answer  .

Dear tanuja
I belong to a pious family i daresay, we performed a havana in our house every morning before school for 8-9 years, i had learned so many shlokas and mantras and read sehestranamas and hanuman chalisa and several other religious texts,... chanted mantras each day, so u cant say i have never practices spirituality. i havent seen anyone pray more than my parents yet some years back my mother got cancer and since them there have been so so many serious problems. i was a top class student always first but i deteriorated and today i cant sit and study for an hour under such circumstances i found my faith dwindling and hence these question which so far no one has answered.

My dear Amit ,
I would feel blessed if I could be of some help to you , I want you to understand the science behind our sufferings so that we can opt for some solution regarding the same . 80% of our problems are spiritual in nature which means that the root cause of the problems  that cannot be understood and analysed  by intellect and hence the solution also is not possible at physical, mental and intellectual plane .

In your case your family is very sattvik as you said hence there can be many reason behind the problems you are are facing .
1. Wrath of the family deity .
2. Severe destiny
3. Severe ancestral soul problems in the family
4. Severe negative energy problems in the family
5. Not doing appropriate sadhana as per spiritual capacity .  

6. Vaastu dosh    

Now lets see the details of all the problems and the spiritual solution to all these causes.
1. Wrath of the family deity :

At times, inspite of being intelligent when a student does not study, his teacher reprimands him. Akin to this, if a person has the potential to progress spiritually and yet does not undertake yogya (appropriate ) spiritual practice then the family deity expresses its wrath. Since the individual is unable to perceive this, the deity creates obstacles in his worldly life. When he is unable to resolve them despite maximum efforts the individual seeks guidance from a saint who then recommends worship of the family deity. Once this worship is begun, the deity eliminates these obstacles and even facilitates his spiritual practice.
2. Severe destiny :
First let us understand what is Destiny and the rule of Give-and-Take
Many events in our lives are destined, beginning with our birth and the family that we are born
into. One is born into a family, where conditions are conducive to undergo one’s destiny and
where one has significant give-and-take account with each member of the family.

According to the law of Karma every positive deed generates a ‘merit’(punya) while every negative deed generates a ‘demerit’ (paap) or a sin. Subsequently one has to reap the results of one’s actions.
Whenever one does a good deed to others, it is bound to give a positive return (in the form of
some happiness), apart from a simple thank you from that person! Whenever one inflicts harm, it
is bound to give negative return in the form of sorrow in some form. It cannot be undone by a
simple ‘Sorry’!
The law of Karma is infallible. It is something like Newton’s third law of motion, which states, ‘For
every action there is an equal and opposite reaction’.

Throughout our lives we are either settling an old account or creating a new one. If the account
cannot be settled in this birth it is carried over to the next. We are not consciously aware of the
give-and-take accounts generated in our previous births.

According to the science of Spirituality, most of our family members are people with whom we
have positive or negative accounts from previous births. The reason for this is that one has to be
in the proximity of the other person to be able to experience pleasure or pain. Your mother's sickness can be due to her destiny .

destiny can be categorized in three knids as per their severity .
1. Mild destiny
2. Moderate destiny
3. Severe destiny
Mild destiny means when we have a happy go lucky life and to undergo that we need to do moderate spiritual practice so that our next birth also remains the same , moderate destiny means when we start facing oblstacles in our day to  day life and it can be overcome by severe spiritual practice and severe destiny means some suicides or untimely deaths , divorce cases, severe financial crisis , handicapped persons in the family and to undergo the severe destiny we need the grace of a saint because then the spiritual practice that we do is not enough to give us the energy to bear the distress caused by severe destiny . Hence when we get the grace of a saint due to the sankalpa shakti of the saint either the severity of the destiny reduces or we get the shakti required to face the destiny .
4. Severe ancestral souls problems in the family :
The first question that comes in our mind is why will my ancestors touble us ?
To understand this we will have to understand first what happens after death. If you are into spirituality then you must be knowing that our body comprises the sthula deh( physical body), the prana deh (the body which consists the vital energies), the soul, the mano deh(the mental body), the karan deh (the intellectual body ) and the mahakaran deh(the ego body). All these bodies constitute to form a gross indivdual.

When one dies, the vital energy is released back into the Universe. The physical body remains on
Earth, while the subtle body travels to a subtle plane depending on its merits or sins and its
spiritual level. Unlike on the Earth plane, the only parameter that matters in the after-life is the
spiritual level or the spiritual purity of a subtle body and here lies the importance of spiritual
practice. The physical body and the various worldly aspects such as money, prestige, job, how
well we are connected etc. have absolutely no relevance in the spiritual realm or subtle world.

If the subtle body is 'heavy' due to sins and excessive ego then it gets stuck in lower subtle planes
of existence such as the nether world. If the demerits or sins are intense, then the subtle body
goes to one of the regions of Hell. On the other hand, the subtle body becomes lighter due to
good deeds (merits) and the intensity of spiritual practice. The higher the spiritual level, the lighter
the subtle body and faster the progress to the higher positive subtle regions of the Universe.

Now why would my departed loved ones and my other ancestors want to give me pain?

This is a question that is very commonly asked. People think of their near and dear ones who
have passed away and find it unimaginable that they would deliberately cause them problems in
life. The following are the two main reasons as to why ancestors trouble their descendants.

Due to unfulfilled desires and
Due to the inability to move on in the after life and attain a higher positive region or sub-region.

Distress due to unfulfilled desires
In this case, ancestors trouble us as they have unfulfilled desires. These desires can include:

Anger directed at descendants who do not use their inheritance in accordance with the ancestors'

Ancestors who have an attachment to the family and still want things to be done their way.

Ancestors who are addicted to some physical desire such as cigarettes, drugs, sex, food, etc.

They take advantage of the remaining give-and-take account between them and their
descendants to possess their descendants and fulfill their desires. Departed ancestors trouble
their descendants instead of others with whom they may possibly have a give-and-take account
with; this is because the bond between blood relations is the strongest.

In order to gain insulation from problems caused due to departed ancestors, we should do the shraddhpaksh and also try the protective chant of 'Sree Gurudev Datta'. This chant represents the Name of Lord Datta, an
aspect of God. This is to be done daily along with chanting of the family deity or the gurumantra.

Chanting of Lord Datta’s Name is a kind of prescription chant to overcome a specific spiritual
problem i.e. problems caused due to departed ancestors. On the other hand, chanting the family deity's name or gurmantra acts as a general spiritual tonic for overall spiritual
growth. Chanting of Lord Datta’s Name provides protection, but not spiritual growth.

To give you an analogy, chanting Lord Datta’s Name is like having an extra dose of vitamin C
when one has a common cold. The vitamin C is taken along with the usual multi-vitamin tablet for
good health (family deity or gurumantra).

When we repeat the protective chant of Sree Gurudev Datta, we attract the divine energy
associated with Lord Datta’s Name and as a result we benefit in the following way:

A subtle protective sheath envelops us, protecting us from obstacles caused by our ancestors.

It helps to nullify the give-and-take account that we have with our ancestors thus reducing their
influence on us.

It gives our ancestors the assistance they require to make their onward journey in the subtle

However, the extent of benefit depends on the quantity and quality of our chanting, which besides
other factors, depends on our spiritual level.

It is recommended that one chants the protective chant of ‘Sree Gurudev Datta’ on a daily basis
depending on the severity of the distress. As it is a prescription chant that helps to remove
obstacles in one's life, it is best if it is done in the morning as it then provides the requisite spiritual
protection for the day. One can then chant the Name of the Lord according to the religion of birth
during the rest of the day.

We recommend the quantity of chanting Sree Gurudev Datta’s Name that is commensurate with
severity of the distress experienced due to ancestral problems. It is based on spiritual research
and knowledge gained by accessing the Universal Mind and Intellect through the medium of a
highly advanced sixth sense .
to hear the sattvik chant of Lord Dattatreya u can log on to the home page of

In case where no distress to mild distress is experienced, one can chant for 1 to 2 hours every
day in order to avoid such trouble in future.

In case where the distress is medium, chant for 2 to 4 hours every day.

If the distress is severe one must chant Sree Gurudev Datta for 4 to 6 hours per day.

The following are some indicators of the severity of distress


Mild problem - example
Skin problems, marital conflicts

Moderate problem - example
Divorce, mentally challenged child,

Severe problem - example
Miscarriage, death in childhood, severe accidents.
Once you start chanting the family deity ‘s name and Lord dattatreya ‘ name the other two problems means the negative energy problems is taken care of as with the chanting of these two mantra’s the nirgun guru’s grace starts and the family in due course of time start getting guidance from blessed souls to counter the negative energy attacks that the family is facing .

5. Not doing appropriate sadhana as per spiritual capacity .   When we do spiritual practice as per spiritual science then our either we get the shkati to face the probles or the severity of the problems gets reduced . Hence try to spiritual practice as per six basic principle of spirituality .

6.  Some methods of Vastushuddhi

Keep the Vastu and its vicinity clean.

If possible, plant Tulsi in the courtyard and worship it daily. Light a lamp or an incense stick in front of it in the evening.

Keep the images or pictures of Deities facing the East or West in the temple at home.

Sprinkle Gomutra (cow’s urine) in the Vastu daily. If this not possible, mix Vibhuti (Holy ash) in water and sprinkle it in the Vastu. Sprinkle it starting from the right side in the Vastu and move towards the left side.

Blow the ash of a Yadnya (Sacrificial fire) or Vibhuti in the Vastu.

Remembering the Kuldevta (Family Deity), sprinkle Akshat inside out in the Vastu, in the eight directions.

Light Dhoop (frankincense) and show it around in all the rooms.

Do light a ghee or an oil lamp in front of the Deities every day, morning and evening.

Show around incense stick in all the rooms of the Vastu.

Once a week, burn a Dhuni of Neem leaves in the Vastu.

Paste the Name-strips of Deities on the walls and create a subtle ceiling.

All members of the family should gather every day and pray to God to keep the Vastu pure and then chant. Also, recite the Stotras of Deities.

If the Vastudosh is severe, perform the Vastushanti (Ritual to calm the Vastu).


In the seva of vedic culture
your spiritual friend

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

क्या हमारे पितर हमारी सहायता नहीं करते ?

कई लोग और कई सभ्यताओंकी मान्यता है कि हमारे पितर हमें सहायता करते हैं | हमारे गुरुदेव डॉ. जयंत आठवलेके मार्गदर्शनमें छटी इन्द्रियोंकी सहायतासे हुए शोधमें ऐसा पाया गया कि इस तथ्यमें सच्चाई है | परन्तु उनके द्वारा हमें सहायता करना दो मुद्दोंपर निर्भर करता पहला मृत्यु पूर्व उनकेद्वारा लिए गए कर्म और उनकी साधनाद्वारा प्राप्त किया गया आध्यात्मिक स्तर | कम आध्यात्मिक क्षमतावाले पितरोंके अपेक्षा जिन पितरोंकी अध्यात्मिक क्षमता अधिक होती है वे अपने कुलके लोगोंकी अधिक सहयता करनेकी क्षमता रखते हैं | पितरोंकी आध्यात्मिक क्षमता जितनी अधिक होती है उतने ही अधिक प्रमाणमें वे अपने वंशजोंकी सहयता कर सकते हैं |

अधिकतर पितर अपने कुलके लोगोंकी व्यावहारिक स्तरपर सहायता किया करते हैं |

उदहारणके तौरपर कोई पितर अपने परिवारके किसी सदस्यको जो नौकरीके लिए साक्षात्कारके लिए गया हो उसके लिए नौकरी दिलानेमें उसकी सहायता कर सकते हैं तो कैसे ? जो उनका वंशजका साक्षात्कारले रहा हो उनके मनमें उसे चयनित करनेका विचार डाल कर ! या घरके किसी सदस्यको कुछ अड़चन निर्माण कर उस स्थल पर जानेसे रोक सकते हैं जहाँ अपघात होने वाला हो | पितर अपने वंशजको व्यवहारिक सहायता कर अपने आपको आसक्तिके घेरे में डालते हैं | वास्तविक सहायता जो पितर अपने वंशजके लिए कर सकते हैं वह है उन्हें साधनाके प्रेरित करना | वर्तमान समयमें अधिकतर व्यक्तिका अध्यात्मिक स्तर २० से २५% है अतः ऐसेमें अपने वंशजको सहयता करनेकी क्षमता उनमे नगण्य होती है | साधनाकी क्षमताके अभावमें मृत्यु उपरांत वे स्वयं सूक्ष्म जगतकी बलाढ्य असुरी शक्तिके अधीनमें चले जाते हैं और कई बार अपना बचाव करना यह उनकी प्राथमिकता होती है |

कई बार यदि कोई पितर अपने वंशजकी सहयता करना चाहें तो भी नहीं कर पातें हैं और उनकी स्थिति पिंजरेमें बंद किसी बंधक सामान रहता है | वे अपने वंशजको सूक्ष्म जगतके बलाढ्य आसुरी शक्तिद्वारा प्रताड़ित होते देख कर भी कुछ नहीं कर पाते हैं इसके कुछ कारण है

१. या तो वंशज पूर्वज द्वारा भेजे गए सन्देशको समझ नहीं पाते या उनके वंशज मृत्यु उपरान्तकी यात्रामें विश्वास नहीं करते

२.अपने वंशजको कष्टसे बचने हेतु जो आवश्यक अध्यात्मिक शक्ति चाहिए वे उनके पास नहीं होता

जैसे एक पिता अपने पुत्रको स्वप्नके माध्यमसे उसके व्यसायकी गलत निर्णयके कारणमें होने वाली हानिके बारेमें स्वप्न द्वारा बताना चाहते हों मात्र पुत्र उस स्वप्नको समझ नहीं पाता या उस स्वप्नको उतना महत्व नहीं देता |
दूसरा एक उदहारण है एक माँ अपने पुत्रको मान्त्रिक ( सूक्ष्म जगतकी बलाढ्य असुरी शक्ति) द्वारा नियोजित घातक नशीली दवाओंके व्यसन में फंसते हुए देखकर भी कुछ नहीं कर पाती है
| उसे अपने पुत्रके व्यसनका मूल कारण पता होकर भी वे न ही पुत्र को बता पाती हैं और न ही इस जगतको !

Sunday, 4 September 2011

Clarification of doubt -2

Is it possible for a person to receive the grace of a Guru who has renounced his body?

Top of Form

Bottom of Form
Dear friends , sharing a question asked by one of the seeker with its answer.
The guru is not just a physcal body but basically a principle hence even if the saint renounce the body , He is able to guide his disciple . Hence it is told saints never die they just do deh tyag (leave thier gross body .)
There are two factors resposnible for spiritual guidance, fist being  the spiritual level of the disciple or the seeker and second factor, the spiritual emotion (or bhav) of that person for the saint or guru or guru tattva (the guruprinciple) . The guru of the highest order (the paratpar guru above 90% level ) can guide thousands even after leaving their bodies , e.g.  His Holiness Bhaktaraj Maharaj, Shirdi Sai baba, Swami Ramkrushna Paramhansa, Raman Mahrshi, Adiguru Shankaracharya of India have the capacity to guide thousands of seekers even  renouncing their bodies.
One important thing that should be kept in mind is that to receive the guidance of saints subtly one need to be at minimum 60% level which is nearly a saintly level, as a layman in kaliyug (present time) is at 20% level and most of the seeker at 35% to 50 % level there are chances of being misguided by the sorcerers ( the powerful negative energies from nether world ) and hence either once should abide by the teachings of one's master(guru) after he leaves  His body or seek the guidance of some other saint for spiritual guidance . The best example of a disciple learning something from the guru principle is  Eklavaya, he learnt archery from the guru’s statue and the guru being totally unaware of it. But he had immense amount of bhav for his guru hence when the guru asked to cut his right thumb as a a part of his guru dakshina , he offered it immediately .  Not to mention Eklavya was at 60 % spiritual level and the guru Drona asked this kind of dakshina to prevent his disciple from the sin of guru avadyna (disobedience of guru’s directives). The disciple faces the worst hell if he does not follow the guru directives . I would like to mention here that few ignorant people say that since Eklavya was not born in a higher class hence guru Drona did so , a guru never discriminates his disciple on any grounds and guru Dronaacharya was also a guru who would never do such a sin !

Amrutvani part - 1

Importance of Satsang
The glory of Satsanga or association with the wise saints, Yogins, Sannyasins and Mahatmas is indescribable. The glory and power of Satsanga is described in various ways in the Bhagavata, the Ramayana and other scriptures. Even a moment’s company with wise people is quite sufficient to overhaul the old vicious Samskaras of worldly-minded people. The magnetic aura, the spiritual vibrations and the powerful thought-currents of developed adepts produce a tremendous influence on the minds of worldlings. The personal contact of Mahatmas is a blessing in reality for worldly persons. Service of saints purifies the minds of passionate men rapidly. Satsanga elevates the mind to magnanimous heights. Just as a single matchstick bums huge bundles of cotton in a few seconds, so also, the company of saints burns all ignorance, all thoughts and Samskaras of passion and evil actions within a short time. This is the reason why Sankara and others have spoken so highly of Satsanga in all their books.

If you cannot get good Satsanga in your own place, you can visit places of pilgrimage like Rishikesh, Benares, Nasik, Prayag, Haridwar. Study of books written by realized persons will also be tantamount to Satsanga. The only potent specific for inducing burning Vairagya and desire for liberation is Satsanga.
By Swami Sivanand

Friday, 2 September 2011

Clarification of doubts by Swami Ramkrushna Paramahansa

By practising spiritual discipline one sees God !
Question : "Sir, what is the proof that the soul is separate from the body?"
Sri Ramakrishna : "Proof? God can be seen. By practising spiritual discipline one sees God, through His grace. The rishis directly realized the Self. One cannot know the truth about God through science. Science gives us information only about things perceived by the senses, as for instance: this material mixed with that material gives such and such a result, and that material mixed with this material gives such and such a result.
"For this reason a man cannot comprehend spiritual things with his ordinary intelligence. To understand them he must live in the company of holy persons. You learn to feel the pulse by living with a physician."

क्या पितर पुत्रियों को भी कष्ट देते हैं ?

परिवारमें जिस किसी सदस्यमें साधनाकी अत्यधिक क्षमता होती है, पितर उसे सर्वप्रथम कष्ट देकर उनसे अपने सदगतिकी अपेक्षा रखते हैं, पितरोंको पुत्रसे अधिक अपेक्षा होती है यह सत्य है विशेषकर प्रथम पुत्र और पुत्रोंमें जो सबसे तेजस्वी हो उनसे, परन्तु यदि पुत्री अत्यंत सात्त्विक है और घरमें पुत्र नहीं है तो पितर पुत्रीको कष्ट देते हैं | उनके लिए साधना करने वाले जीव एवं उसके साथ उनका लेन-देन महत्वपूर्ण घटक होता है | अतः पुत्रीने भी 'श्री गुरुदेव दत्त' का जप अवश्य ही करना चाहिए जिससे उसे पितरोंके कष्ट होनेसे पूर्व ही उसका रक्षण हो | जैसे जब मैंने अपने गाँवमें सत्संग आरम्भ की, तो हमारे कुलके अनके पितर सत्संगके साधक जिनमें कुछ मेरे कुलके सम्बन्धी भी है उनमे प्रकट होकर मुझसे गति माँगने लगे | धयानमें रखे सत्संग यदि भावपूर्ण पद्धतिसे की जाये तो उस सत्संग में निर्मित चैतन्यके माध्यमसे हमपर अध्यात्मिक उपाय (अर्थात spiritual healing ) होता है और कई बार अनिष्ट शक्तिसे पीड़ित साधकको सत्संगका चैतन्य सहन नहीं होता और वे प्रकट हो जाते हैं और उनमे विद्यमान अनिष्ट शक्ति प्रकट होते ही उधम मचाते हैं या गति माँगने लगते हैं | जब कुछ अनिष्ट शक्तियां साधकमें प्रकट होकर सदगति मांगने लगीं तो मैंने उनसे कहा "आप अपने पुत्रके पास जाएँ और उनसे गति मांगे तो वे (साधकोंमें प्रकट अतृप्त पूर्वज) कहने लगे "आजकल पुत्र हमें पानी तो देता ही नहीं है गति क्या खाक देंगे" ? पितृपक्ष में पितरोंको पुत्रने जल, तिल-तर्पण करना चाहिए ऐसा शास्त्रोंमें लिखा है मात्र आज पाश्चात्य संस्कृतिके अन्धानुकरणके कारण अनेक पुरुष धरमचरण और अपने पितरोंके प्रति कर्तव्यको विसरने लगा हैं और पितृ कर्मको कुछ पुरुष तो ढोंग तक मानने लगे है इतने हद तक उनकी अधोगति हो गयी है ऐसे में यदि पुत्री सात्त्विक और साधनारत हो तो पितर उनसे सद्गतिकी अपेक्षा रखते हैं ऐसा मेरा स्वयंका अनुभव है |
संकलक - तनुजा ठाकुर